Why Toddlers don’t say “I love you”

Toddlers don’t need to say I love you

They don’t define love or analyze it, they don’t wonder about it or worry about it.

Because they live it.

They live their life in a pure state of love.

They play and express joy to its fullest. They stay curious and fill their minds with all the wonders they see around them. They use their imagination and create the fun they want in their lives when it’s not presented to them. They gravitate towards those they feel love from, and back away when they don’t.

They put all their energy into the things they truly enjoy, and avoid the things they don’t with that same power of energy.

When they experience frustration, sadness or anger they express it fully. They have a full mind body explosive expression of that feeling that they feel; and let it all out. What we perceive as a “tantrum.” The beauty here is when that feeling passes, they move on. They never give it any more attention, they don’t dwell on what upset them, they go right back to joy. To love.

As adults we’ve moved out of that state of living in love. we’ve incorporated pieces of fear along the way. We don’t truly live in the moment, we often dwell on the past and worry about the future.

We fear judgment. We fear our past. We fear our future. We fear rejection. We fear failure.

Even when we feel absolute joy, we start to fear we will loose it rather than soaking in the pure love of the moment.

We fear; and we fear often.

We tend to spend more time living from a place of fear than we spend living in love.

Love is present. It’s gratitude and acceptance. Love is taking in the moment and truly feeling the joy. Unclouded. Without any disclaimer or condition. Love is the opposite of fear.

In order to live in this state, we need to surrender. Let go of the fears and find the gratitude and joy in the moments. We need to face our fears and dig up their roots. Get to their core, so we can move past them once and for all.

It’s a practice.

We spend so many years practicing fear, it’s fed to us by our peers, our parents, our teachers, the media. We experience consequence, punishment, ridicule and failure and we develop more fears.

To get out, we need to spend more time and attention practicing love.

Practice is the key word here. Practice means intentional and mindfully choosing love over and over again. It takes effort and time.

Choosing to let go of fears. Choosing to find gratitude. Choosing to feel joy and let all of the emotion in. Choosing the vulnerability and bravery it takes to be yourself. Finding what really bring you joy. They same way a child does, the same way you did as a child yourself.

When you live love. You don’t need to say it.

You feel it.

You experience it.

You sense it.

You take it in and you give it out.

You know it.

If you take the time everyday to live this way, it will eventually become your automatic go to. The goal here is for the dominate experience in your life to be living in love, not fear.

Combining the wisdom and intuition of my toddlers as the ultimate guides, with my Life Coach training has opened my mind to what is possible for my own life living in love. I am forever grateful for this journey.

Write me to begin yours.

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