Showing 8 Result(s)

Self Empathy: The Missing Link for True Self Care

I just finished a mentor coaching session where my supervising coach used the term self empathy. It was in a moment where I was clearly connecting with the emotional impact behind our discussion. I love these sessions because not only do I get to sit on the other side and be coached, I also get the …

My Mindset for Kids; How to Use the Prints

My Mindset For Kids This package is designed to help you and your child begin a practice of mindfulness and cultivate a growth mindset to carry forward with them as they grow. This digital print can be assembled into a booklet for the child, hung on a wall, or a combination of both. I wanted …

Motherhood; An Ocean of Love

By Mendara Lynn Chan I remember the fear and hesitation before  Never knowing if I could really handle it for sure  The ocean so alluring from where I stand on the beach But the risks run deep, hidden out of sight and reach Do I take the plunge? And dive right in? Do I stay …

overcome fear like children

Overcoming Fear; Inspired by my kindergartener

Overcoming fear is tough for all of us, especially the little ones. This year, my oldest child started kindergarten. As many of you know from having been here yourself, this can be a really tough transition for the child and for the parents. Starting daycare, starting school, even the start of each new school year …

Are Catastrophic Thoughts Stealing Your Joy?

It’s been a year and a half since I’ve seen my parents, and even longer since I’ve seen my brother, sister in law and nephew. I just found out ALL of them are coming to visit me very soon! To say I’m excited is an understatement. I am so full of joy to be reunited …

How to Build a Human

Ok, that title might sound like a slight over statement, but that’s what we’re doing right? We all know how babies are made, but that’s only the first step. As parents we create this life and build these tiny beautiful babies who become feisty little toddlers, sweet little children, admirable young adults and then eventually …